About Us
The club is run by a voluntary committee.They are responsible for the day to day organisation of HLCASC and any decisions or changes that need to be implemented. The committee works closely with the management of Horwich Leisure Centre.
All parents are welcome to join in the running of the club, either as helpers at our regular galas or as committee members.
Like all sports clubs, we need to raise funds to cover our running costs. We do not receive any of the money that members pay at the Leisure Centre Reception each week. We rely on the annual membership or additional fundraising held throughout the year. This pays our affiliation fees, insurance, coaching costs etc.
Swimming Rules & Etiquette
Swimmers in 1 group will be taught the basic rules of competitive swimming and training etiquette. Normally swimmers in each lane will be of a similar overall standard but, of course, each swimmer will have stronger and weaker strokes. Training consists of a number of ‘sets’, which comprise one or a mixture of different strokes. Swimmers will follow each other at intervals of 5-10 seconds as instructed. The rule is that, if the swimmer in front is caught by the one behind they must let them pass until each swimmer has found their correct position for that ‘set’. in other words, the fastest swimmers go first.
Our sessions are very popular and it is important that you obey the rules of training etiquette and listen carefully to your coach’s instructions. Bad behaviour, whether in the pool, changing rooms or at galas will not be tolerated. (please see code of conduct and behaviour policies).
We must ask too, that no parents go on poolside at anytime unless asked to by a coach or committee member. If you need to speak to your child please see someone on the club desk who will bring the child to the door.
There is a strict NO photography policy.
Club Sessions
All sessions must be paid for at the Leisure Centre Reception (or online for Turton). Prices are reviewed annually and increased from 1st April. This price is set by the Leisure Centre and not by the club.
Club Membership Fees.
These are due annually from January and need to be paid by the 1st March at the latest. Currently from £55 to include Category 1 ASA membership there are reductions for second and third children.
Swimmers who enter ASA Level galas such as Gtr Manchester Age groups will need a Category 2 ASA Membership. Please see the Club desk for prices and further information.
Payment and Membership registration is now done online on a separate link which can be found on the password protected Membership page.