Representing the Club
Horwich is a competitive club and as part of this, we compete in local, regional and national leagues. This gives our swimmers the chance to compete for the club as opposed to personal times. There are a mixture of leagues, races and formats.
We compete in the following leagues:
- Bolton & District League
- Manchester & District League
- M56 League
- National Arena League
Each league has different age cut-offs, formats of races, number of races, scoring systems and to complicate things further uses different dates to calculate the age of swimmers! Don’t worry though our experienced team managers know all the rules, well Gareth and Liz do!!
The Bolton & District, Manchester & District and M56 Leagues are primarily aimed at our junior swimmers. The Manchester & District league has two different formats with one being a relay only league (great fun for the swimmers!). The National Arena League is for swimmers aged 11 and over. Look out for our Commonwealth Medallist Emma Saunders dragging herself out of retirement every year to compete (and normally win!!).
Our team managers will normally select the team to compete two weeks before the fixture date. Becky will then text the parents to inform them of selection and ask for confirmation. We understand that sometimes you can’t make it. Don’t worry we don’t hold this against you! Please just let us know as soon as possible so we can select another swimmer.
We are very successful as a club but we do not prioritise winning over being a supportive team. No swimmer, no matter what has happened in their individual race, has ever let the team down.
If you are asked to represent the club make sure you bring a spare T-shirt and drink with you to the event.
Frequently Asked Questions
If there are any other questions please ask Gareth or Liz, don’t worry about anything!