If you enter a competition perfectly legally with an official or non-official time then swim, do really well and end up with a time that is faster than the fastest allowed entry, your time is still recorded as official but you are not allowed to win medals or trophies. Instead you are issued with a Speeding Ticket. These are most swimmers targets as they are better than winning a Gold Medal!
After The Race…
Some competitions go well, others less well. Most swimmers will at some point be DQ’d
(disqualified), lose their goggles, do a false start, swallow water etc …!
Club coaches will (whenever possible) give swimmers pre-race advice/encouragement and afterwards some constructive feedback. Please avoid attempting to do this yourself – your child will not appreciate it, as it can be confusing and upsetting and may contradict what their coach has said. Do note the times achieved for each stroke and distance, along with the date achieved – this helps when entering future competitions. Rewarding your child for good performances with money, presents etc is not encouraged. Most importantly, a swimmer should be self-motivated to want to perform to their best ability.