Why is it important to get official ASA swim times?

A non-official time will have been recorded by a coach or parent using a stopwatch who may or may not have been trained in timekeeping. An official time will have been taking by at least two trained officials or using an electronic system and will be logged online....

I need my ASA registration number, where do I find it?

If you weren’t given this when you joined the club, you will find it on the Swim England database https://www.swimmingresults.org/individualbest/ (search by surname). This is also where you will find all your official times from licensed meets.

I don’t have official swim times. What do I put on my entry?

If a competition will accept non-official times (level 3 and 4 galas and internal club galas) then use times achieved at club gala’s or micro-league competitions and if these aren’t available, ask your coach for a time trial or estimated time. If you don’t have...